Android 4.1 Mini PC - Another arrival from China

Sorry images removed. I made those images with my own camera but I guess I must have got some bodies attention and they got served!

So I went ahead and made my first purchase on - After being a member for over 2 years. Postage took about 10 days which is twice as fast as some Chinese eBay-ers. No customs charge. Woohoo!

As it is all open source and runs on any ARM9 the quality is - what it is. You cannot compare it to anything else. So that is always worrying since it comes from China.

We gave it a quick test run at work. Plugged it into a monitor, plugged a USB mouse in. Booted in 30 seconds. The main menu is a bit weird, but everything is there  Settings, appstore, facebook, youtube and media player and media share.

Just using a mouse I was able to connect to WiFi with the on screen keyboard. Then I could search anything on Youtube using the on screen keyboard again. Everything is drag to scroll. The scroll wheel did nothing and right click is "back"
We palyed an HD movie of Youtube on a 22" screen. And it was really good. All I want this to do is play movies on my new photo frame. (I wanted to use Raspberry Pi but there is no OpenGL:ES support for it yet - as of writing now)

Over all for £40 delivered, it is a nice piece of kit to take apart and stuff into my photo frame. Nice thin is my wireless blue tooth keyboard will work with too. (or Wifi remote access?)
